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- TF01
- 4,Compiled by Kimberly Zemo
- One of the things that has apparently taken over the Trek areas on
- Internet is a deluge of Borg statements. Kimberly Zemo has been
- compiling a definite list of these, and here is a selection of the
- best available (and the ones we could legally publish!!).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- I am Dan Quayle of Borg, You're speeling is irrellevant
- I
- am Deanna Troi of Borg, I sense that you will be assimilated
- I am Homer Simpson of Borg, you will be assim-Oo, donuts!
- I am George Bush of Borg. Read my lips: you will be assimilated.
- I am Borg of Borg. Redundancy is irrelevant.
- I am Shakespeare of Borg. To be or not to be assimilated?
- I am Heraldo of Borg. Next: brothers who assimilate sisters.
- "I am (pause) Kirk (pause) of (pause) Borg. (Pause with odd facial
- expressions and hand movements) Prepare (pause) to be (pause with
- expression of pain) a-(pause)-ssim-(pause)-u-(pause)-la-(pause)-ted!
- (collapse in pain)
- I am Barclay of Borg. You will be assimilated... If it's not too much
- trouble...
- I am George Bush of Borg. Read my lips, you will be assimilated.
- Resistance is futile and wouldn't be prudent at this juncture.
- I am Ronald Reagan of Borg. Well, you will be assimilated.
- I am Troi of Borg. I sense that you will resist assimilation. But I
- suggest you not resist. It is futile.
- Borg meets Hitler:
- Borg: You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
- Hitler: That's what I was going to say.
- I am Spock of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is illogical.
- I am McCoy of Borg. Damn it, Jim, I'm a Borg not a doctor and you
- will be assimilated.
- I am Barclay of Borg. You will be assimilated. On second thought,
- maybe not.
- I am Chekov of Bork, who by the way came from Russia. And you vill be
- assimilated.
- I am Quark of Borg. You will be assimilated. But with the right
- amount of gold pressed latinum, I can overlook your resistance.
- I am Darth Vader of Borg. You will be assimilated, my son. Do not
- resist the power of the Borg side.
- I am Yoda of Borg. Assimilated you will be and resist you will not.
- I am Homer Simpson of Borg. You will resist. Assimilation is
- futile. Mmmmm, assimilation. Hey, wait a minute. Doh!
- I am Lorena Bobbit of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is
- futile (sound of a knife sharpening in the background.)
- I am Jerry Seinfeld of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is
- futile. You know, I don't get this assimilation thing. Sure, you
- don't have to think for yourself anymore, you've got others to think
- for you. But you loose this individuality thing, but hey. And
- another thing, what's this resistance crap. If someone comes up to me
- and says "hey, if you join us, we'll do the thinking for you." My
- reaction would be "sure!" Oh well, that's life.
- I am Odo of Borg. I can be assimilated into anything you wish.
- I am Ardra of Borg: I will assimilate you morning, noon, and night!
- I am Joan Rivers of Borg, you will be assimilated, but first, can we
- talk?
- I am Berman of Borg. Plots are irrelevant.
- I am Lwaxanna Troi of Borg. You will be assi... Oohhh! A man!
- I am Nomad of Borg...You will be assimilated... No, you will be
- exterminated.. ... no, you will be assimilated... no, you will be
- exterminated....
- Popeye of Borg: I yam what I yam. You will be aspinachilated, uk, uk,
- uk, uk.
- I am Sisko of Borg. Can anyone tell the difference?
- I am Nancy Kerrigan of Borg. Resistance is so corny.
- I am Data of Borg. You will be absorbed into the main cultural body.
- Resistance is the opposition of some force or thing to another or
- others and would not be recommended at this time.
- I am Garak of Borg. It's just a plain, simple assimilation.
- I am Adrian Kronauer of Borg. Gooooooood morning, collective!!!
- I am Kor of Borg. It is a good day to be assimilated.
- I am Jane Fonda of Borg, all other weight loss collectives are
- futile. Join mine or be aerobassimilated.
- I am Mork of Borg. You will be assimilated. Nanoo, nanoo.
- I am Wayne of Borg.
- And I am Garth of Borg.
- Party on Wayne
- Party on Garth
- (Both): You will be assimilated.......NOT!
- I am Humphrey Bogart of Borg. This could be the beginning of a
- beautiful assimilation.
- I am John Lennon of Borg. Imagine all the people... assimilated.
- I am Paul McCartney of Borg. Resistance is futile -- let it be, let
- it be, let it be.
- I am Christopher Lloyd of Borg: You will be.... ahhhh... be......
- ahhhh Great Scot! 1.21 gigawatts!.......
- I am Barclay of Borg: I live for a simulation!
- I am Quark of Borg. You will be assimilated ... and for very little
- outlay on your part. Think of it as an investment.
- I am Kira of Borg. You will be assimilated... and nothing you can say
- will stop me!
- I am Locutus of Borg. How come I'm the only one with a name around
- here?
- I am John Major of Borg. You will be assimilated... if it's alright
- with you?
- I am O'Brien of Borg. You will be assimilated. As soon as I finish
- fixing these flamin' replicators again...
- I am Cliff Claven of Borg. You will be assimilated... incidentally
- not many people know that the word assimilate originally comes
- from...
- I am Marvin of Borg. You will be assimilated. I don't know, brain the
- size of a planet and they ask *me* to assimilate people.
- I am Richard Nixon of Borg. We are not assimilating you at this
- time. Trust me.
- I am Acronym of Borg. Prepare to be abbreviated.
- I am Disney of Borg. Prepare to be animated.
- I am Duncan McBorg of the Clan McBorg. There can be only one
- (collective). Prepare to be decapitated.
- I am Dr. Crusher of Borg. You will be assimilated. But before that,
- I think there's something I have to tell you, Jean-Luc.
- I am Worf of Borg. Resistance is futile. We'll just skip assimilation
- and fire up the cutting beam.
- I am Riker of Borg. You will be assimilated, but we can discuss that
- in my quarters....
- I am Worf of Borg. You WILL be assimilated. There is NO honor in
- resistance....
- We are Beavis and Butthead of Borg. Heh, heh... you're going to be
- assimilated, heh, heh... Resistance sucks...
- I am Rod Serling of Borg. Welcome to the Assimilation Zone.
- I am Vogon Commander of Borg. You will be assimilated, but first I
- will read you some of my poetry...
- I am Doohan of Borg. You all will be assimilated. All except Shatner.
- I am Kermit of Borg. It's not easy being assimilated.
- Moi is Miss Piggy of Borg. You will be assimilated, darling. Oo!
- We are Bill and Ted of Borg. You will be assimilated, dude!
- I am Sherlock Holmes of Borg, assimilation is elementary my dear
- Watson.
- I am SPOT of Borg. You will be iguanas. Resistance is futile.
- I am O'Brien of Borg. You will be assimilated as soon as I finish
- fixing this bloody assimilation machine...
- I am Porky Pig of Borg. Prepare to be assim... assim... assim... I'm
- taking over.
- I am Elmer Fudd of Borg. Be vewy, vewy quiet... I'm assimiwating
- wabbits. Heh heh heh heh heh.
- I am Norm Peterson of Borg. You will be assimilated... but first, a
- beer.
- I am Sam Malone of Borg. You will be assimilated. How's my hair?
- I am Khan of Borg. From hell's heart I assimilate thee...
- I am Dr. Smith of Borg. Resistance is futile, you bubble-headed
- booby!
- I am Marvin the Android of Borg. Assimilation, don't talk to me
- about assimilation. I think you ought to know I'm feeling very
- resisted.
- I am Yoda of Borg. Assimilated you will be. Futile is resistance,
- yes?
- We are 3 Musketeers of Borg. All are one and one is all!
- I am Worf of Borg. No need to assimilate, I'll just crush you.
- I am Pythagoras of Borg. Distance is irrelevant.
- LuxemBORG: The European Community is irrelevant.
- I am John Wayne of Borg. You will be assimilated, pilgrim.
- I am Arnold Schwartzenegger of Borg. You will be assi.. uh, assim...,
- oh, you will be terminated!
- I am Superman of borg. You will be assim -- Wait a minute, I'm dead.
- I am Robocop of Borg, I wonder if I am already assimilated.
- I am Wesley of CRUSHER, why didn't the Borg assimilate me?
- I am Q of Borg, let's use our ships as dice.
- I am the Guardian of Forever of Borg, many assimilations are
- possible.
- I am Gul Madred of Borg. You will be assimilated. But first, tell me
- how many lights you see.
- I am Captain Jellico of Borg. You will be assimilated. But first, get
- the fish out of my ready room.
- I am Monty Python of Borg. Nobody expects the Borg assimilation!
- I am Piller of Borg. Consistency is futile. Continuity is irrelevant.
- I am not a Borg, but I play one on TV. Prepare to be assimilated.
- I am V'ger of Borg. The creator must be assimilated.
- I am Elvis of Borg. You will be assimilated, darlin'. Thank you very
- much.
- I am Humphrey Borgart. You will be assimilated. Maybe not here. Maybe
- not now. This could be the start of a beautiful collective.
- I am Rhett Butler of Borg. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
- whether or not you are assimilated.
- I am Yoda of Borg: assimilate or do not assimilate. There is no
- `try!'
- I am Rubik of Borg, and the cube was MY idea.
- I am JFK of Borg, Ask not what the collective can do for you, but
- what you can do for the collective.
- I am Spock of Borg, The needs of the ONE outweigh the needs of the
- many.
- I am Bjorn Borg, and I didn't see any of you at the last family
- reunion.
- I am Dirty Harry of Borg, Go ahead, resist us. Make my day.
- I am William Shatner of Borg... and this is... Assimilation 911!
- I am Garfield of Borg. I'll assimilate you after my nap.
- We are Gollum of Borg, yes. We will assimilate it, precious. Its
- resistance will be futile. Yesss, preciousss. Gollum. Gollum.
- I am Cat of Borg. I'm going to assimilate you little fishies
- I'm going to assimilate you little fishies
- I'm going to assimilate you little fishies
- 'Cause I love eating fish!
- I am Nimoy of Borg. I would assimilate you, but I read the script
- and I'm not interested.
- I am `The Bajoran Government' of Borg. You will be assimilated
- (Provisionally).
- I am Data of Borg. You will be assimilated, absorbed, subsumed,
- encapsulated, merged, enrolled, enveloped, combined...
- I am Lefler of Borg. Rule 102 : if need someone assimilating, you'd
- be better off doing it yourself.
- I am Bond of Borg, James Bond. After you are assimilated you will
- feel shaken, not stirred.
- I am Monty Python of Borg. I wish to complain about this 'ere
- assimilation you sold me not half an hour ago...
- I am C-3PO of Borg. I am capable of over six million different forms
- of assimilation.
- I am Det. Francisco of Borg. Resistance is futile. Prepare to be
- assassinated.
- Matt - "Uh... that's `assimilate', George."
- I am Beldar of Borg. Time to assimilate mass quantities.
- Marcel Marceau of Borg: ......
- Morn of Borg: ......
- Mr. Homn of Borg: ......
- I am Kahless of Borg. Assimilation is a dish best served cold.
- McCoy: He's assimilated, Jim.
- I am Vader <hiss> of Borg <hiss>. The ability to resist is futile
- next to the power of assimilation.
- I am the Emperor of Borg. You, like your father, are now...
- assimilated.
- animal: An-i-mal Borg!! Eat en-ter-prise!!!!!
- floyd: No animal....as-sim-i-late enterprise.....
- animal: AS-SIM-I-LATE!!! *pant* *pant* *pant*
- (surprised look) wo-man! wo-man! wo-man! ..... wOO-man!!!
- (he runs off, chasing a young female crewmember in tight clothing...)
- I am Gurney Halleck of borg, as an ass in the desert, go I forth to
- my assimilation.
- I am Bashir of Borg. Prepare to be... did anyone ever tell you that
- you have beautiful eyes?
- I am Scotty of Borg. We canna assimilate no more kaptin.
- I am Rom of Borg. Resistance is futile. Oh... I wasn't supposed to
- tell you that yet!
- I am Dirty Harry of Borg. This is a Borg ship. The most powerful type
- of starship in the galaxy. In all the excitment, I can't remember if
- we already assimilated you yet. So what's it gonna be, are you going
- to be assimilated or what? Do you feel lucky punk?
- I am Hamlet of Borg. To be assimilated or not to be assimilated?
- That is the question. Whether resistence is futile or not, aye there
- is the rub. To be assimilated and perchance to have funny things
- stuck into your head or resist and encounter more superpowerful
- entities in future episodes.
- I am Ru Paul of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated... girl. Good taste
- is futile.
- We are Pakled of Borg. We ah-sim-ah-late. We are strong.
- No mam, we're not policemen, we're the Blues Brothers of Borg. We're
- on a mission to assimilate.
- I am William Shatner of Borg, "Get a life or be assimilated"
- <DATA> I am DATA of borg. You will be assimilated in exact
- 9.58289200002345...
- <LOCUTUS> Shup up, DATA.
- <DATA> ...986 nanoseconds. Sorry, Sir.
- I am LWAXANA of borg. Prepare to be assimilated my little one|
- <WESLEY> I know. I know. Resistance is futile. But... even BARCLAY
- was assimilated, so why wasn't I ?
- I am Mick Jagger of BORG -- I can't get no, (pause) assimilation